Whitnall park lutheran endowment

Our mission is to conservatively manage and distribute funds (gifts, grants, bequests, growth, etc.) so that it carries out the mission and ministry of Whitnall Park Lutheran Church among its members and in the community. The purpose shall be to meet challenges and opportunities that are evangelistic, educational and benevolent.

The Endowment leverages only the growth in investments to deliver on our mission. Gifts to the Endowment build your legacy and an enduring, perpetual benefit to the mission. All gifts are tax-deductible as applicable by local laws.
Examples of the Endowment delivering on their mission:
  • $1000 initial scholarship for High School Seniors entering post-secondary education
  • NEW --> In addition, an opportunity to receive three more $500 scholarships for post-secondary education
  • Scholarships for 1st-12th grade students wishing to attend Christian-based Camps with an opportunity for multiple awards per student
  • Funds 50% of the WPLC Christian Education staff salary
  • Sponsors WPLC Youth Group events
  • Match 100% all WPLC Coffee Hour donations to rotating charities
  • Technology investments to support Christian Education programs
  • Special training events for WPLC members, WPLC pastoral-internships
  • Support for Camp Hometown Heroes, Milwaukee Homeless Veteran Services and the Hales Corners Police and Fire that serve our Church 
We continually look for opportunities to deliver on our mission...
To donate or contact the Endowment Committee please email us at endowment@wplchurch.org
The members of the current Endowment Committee are:
  • Jon Dietzler - President
  • Matt Grubis - Treasurer
  • Jennine Sonntag - Secretary
  • Pam Kobin - WPLC Council Representative
  • Pastor Fazio - Ex Officio
*Scholarships are awarded to active WPLC members only.
**Continuing scholarships can be awarded up to 3 occurrences within a specific timeframe.
Initial Senior HS Scholarship applications will be accepted between Jan 1st through April 15th of each calendar year
Continuing post-secondary scholarships will be accepted between May 15th through Aug 15th of each calendar year
Christian-based Camp Scholarships applications will be accepted throughout the calendar year